The 2023-2024 Chicago Student STEM Exhibition Calendar of Events

A calendar for Network STEM Exhibition Coordinators, Committee Members and
    Board of Directors meetings can be found here.
NOTE: Dates in RED are tentative, dates in BLACK are confirmed.
This calendar is subject to change at any time so please check back as necessary.


 Regional/Area Fair Info
 Previous Years
 About CSSF
 Corporate Structure
 Site Map


Letter of Intent to Participate in the STEM Exhibition
Peoples Gas Middle School Club Application
Endorsements from Outside Research  Facility
(also see this)

Endorsements not Covered by the Above
Mini and Maxi Grant Applications
(Here or here)
IJAS Cover Design
Essay Papers
Level II Volunteers
More information is available here.
Scholarship Applications

September 2023

October 2023

10/20/23 DUE DATE for the receipt of the Letter of Intent to Participate in the STEM Exhibition.

November 2023

11/1/23 Peoples Gas Middle School STEM Club application due.  Application form here.

11/13/23 DUE DATE  for appropriate endorsement forms with supporting documents for projects conducted in a university, hospital or research facility under the supervision of a doctor, professor or scientist.  These documents MUST be submitted to the Scientific Review Committee member listed on the forms prior to the beginning of the project. 
Endorsements must be signed and submitted by teacher sponsors ONLY.

11/11-    12/16/23 Suggested dates for local school STEM Exhibitions.

11/21/23 DUE DATE for MINI research grant applications for pre-approval

December 2023

12/8/23 DUE DATE for informed consent certification, human, vertebrate, vertebrate tissue, microbiology, and DNA  endorsement requests to be received by the Scientific Review committee member listed on the appropriate form.  NOTE Endorsement requests MUST be made PRIOR to experimentation in order to ensure the safety of the test subject(s) and/or the scientist.  The project plans are reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee and, if safe, the endorsement is granted and the experiment may be carried out.  Permission to carry out an experiment CANNOT be given to one that has already been completed.  NOTE: Endorsements and additional documentation for projects conducted at a university, hospital or research facility under the supervision of a doctor, professor or scientist must submitted to the Scientific Review Committee member listed on the forms  by November 13, 2023
Endorsements must be signed and submitted by teacher sponsors ONLY.

12/16/23 DUE DATE for IJAS COVER DESIGNS - mail to IJAS Cover Design c/o CPS Student Science Fair, Inc., P.O. Box 803945, Chicago, IL  60680-3945

12/1/23- 1/12/24 Regional STEM Exhibition Registration for all Projects, Symposium Papers (see this page) and Essays (see this page).

January 2024

1/19/24 Submission deadline for all Symposium Papers and Essays.

1/19/24 Submission deadline for all Projects

Virtual judging for the Regional STEM Expositions, Symposium and Essays (see here for Citywide judging)
February  2024
2/19/24 DUE DATE Judge's approval as a Level II volunteer. CPS policy now mandates that ALL prospective judges be approved Level II Volunteers. More information is available here.  
NOTE:  If you were approved for any Regional Exhibition or the Exhibition at Illinois Tech last year, you STILL need to be re-approved.

2/20/24 DUE DATE for Maxi and Mini Research Grant applications to TBA

2/22/24 The top 3 Essay winners will receive notification

2/22/24 Regional Awards Ceremony

March  2024
3/4/24 Citywide STEM Exhibition Finalist Registration

3/1-3/7/24 Virtual Judging for Citywide Exhibition of Student STEM Research    

3/13-14/24 Virtual Judging for Special Awards

3/14/24 74th Annual STEM Exhibition of Student Research in-person Symposium  and project display set-up at Illinois Tech.
NOTE: CPS Level II approval is required for all in-person judges.  See this page for more information

3/15/24 In Person 74th Annual STEM Exhibition of Student Research
ISEF, IJAS and Special Awwards at Illinois Tech.  (8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
NOTE: CPS Level II approval is required for all in-person judges.  See this page for more information.

In-Person Awards Ceremony in the Illinois Tech - Hermann Hall Auditorium (1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)

April 2024

May 2024

5/3-4/24 Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) State Science Fair at Millikin University in Decatur

5/10/24 DUE DATE for SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS with all necessary documents submitted through the CPS Academic Works Tool.  (DO NOT mail your application.)  More information and a link to the application is here.

Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles, California

5/19/24 DUE DATE for final Mini and Maxi Research Grant report to TBA

June 2024
Virtual Scholarship Awards Ceremony (by invitation ONLY)

Last update 5/15/24 by R. Coleman