Student Area - Rules - Reference List Format

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Research Involving Humans
Reference List Format
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Reference List Format

Referencing the Work of Others
All references should be properly documented in the Review of Literature and in the section “Reference List.” Traditional footnotes are not to be used in the text and Reference List takes the place of the bibliography. The correct style to use for citing references in the Reference List section is discussed in detail in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 4th ed., (APA style) the official style manual of The Illinois Junior Academy of Science. The Reference List should be alphabetized according to the first letter of each entry.

The following are examples of how to cite a reference in the review of literature.

One method of citing a direct quote in the research paper should be in the form:
She stated, “The ‘placebo effect,’ which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner” (Miele, 1996, p. 276), but she did not clarify which behaviors were studied.

A paraphrasing of the text should be in the forms:
---as Smith (1997) demonstrated...
---as has been demonstrated (Smith, 1997).

Sources of Information
The following references are for formatting and style purposes only. Many have fictional components and are not to be considered for accuracy in copyright dates, titles, or publication information.

Book - One author:
Day, R. A. (1996). How to write & publish a scientific paper (4th ed.). Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press.

Book - Multiple authors:
When a work has between two and six authors, cite all authors. When a
work has more than six authors, cite only the last name of the first author
followed by “et al.”
Cothron, J. H., Fiese, R. N., & Rezba, R. J. (1995). Students and
(2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
Roeder, K. et al. (1996). Nerve cells and insect behavior. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.

Book - Corporate author:
Institute of Financial Education. (1996). Managing personal funds. Chicago: Midwestern Publishing.

Book - Edited volume:
Maher, B.A. (Ed.). (1997). Progress in experimental personality research. New York: Academic Press.

Book - Work in an anthology:
Rubenstein, J. P. (1996). The effect of television violence on small children. In B.F. Kane (ed.), Television and Juvenile Psychological Development
(pp. 112-134). New York: American Psychological Society.

Cassette recording:
Clark, K. B. (Speaker). (1995). Problems of freedom and behavior modification (Cassette Recording No. 7612). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.

Computer program:
Miller, M.E. (1998). The Interactive Tester (Version 4.0) [Computer software]. Westminster, CA: Psytek Services.

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Electronic Sources
Below is a partial listing of formats for references that might be used by students. For a reference not shown below, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition (2001). Electronic formats can also be found at:

World Wide Web, Home page:
Basic form

Author/editor (if known). (Revision or copyright date, if available).
Title of page. [Publication medium]. Page publisher. Available: URL
(Protocol:Site/Path/File) [Access date].
Nordstrom Personal Touch America. [Online]. Nordstrom, Inc. Available: [1996, Nov.14].
Goizueta, R. C. (1996, February 26). Annual report to share owners.
[Online]. Coca-Cola Company. Available:
chairman.html [1996, Nov. 14].

Encyclopedia article, Online:
Basic form

Author/editor (if given). (Date). Title of material accessed. In Source(edition) (if given) [Publication medium]. Producer (optional). Available: URL (Protocol:Site/Path/File) [search term if necessary for retrieval] [Access date].
Stock market crash of 1929. (1995). In Britannica Online [Online]. Encyclopedia Britannica. Available:[“stock market”]
[1996, June 7].

Encyclopedia article, CD-ROM:
Basic form

Author/editor (if given). (Date). Title of material accessed. In Source
(edition, release, or version, if relevant) Available: [Publication medium].
Location: Name of Producer.
Genetic engineering. (1997). In Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia
(Version 2.0) Available: [CD-ROM]. Carlsbad, CA: Compton’s NewMedia, Inc.

Journal article, Online:
Basic form

Author. (Date). Title. Journal Title [Publication medium],volume (issue) (if given), paging. Available: URL (Protocol:Site/Path/File) [Access date].
Koehn, D. (1995). The ethics of handwriting analysis in pre-employment
screening. The Online Journal of Ethics [Online], 1:1, n. page. Available: [1996, June 2].

Magazine article, Online:
Basic form

Author. (Date). Title. Magazine Title [Publication medium], volume (if given), paging. Name of computer service and/or database. Available:
URL (Protocol:Site/Fath/File) [Access date].
Rosner, H. (1996, March 4). Will e-mail become j-mail? Brandweek
[Online], 37, 30. ABI/INFORM. Available: telnet://
[1996, May 13].

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Newspaper article, Online:
Basic form

Author. (Date). Title. Newspaper Title [Publication medium], paging. Available: URL (Protocol:Site/Path/File) [Access date].
Markoff, J. (1996, June 5). Voluntary rules proposed to help insure
privacy for Internet users. The New York Times [Online]. Available: [1996, June 5].

Newsgroup article, Online:
Basic form

Author (if given). (Date). Article title. Newsgroup focus. Available: URL (Protocol:Topic. Subtopic[s]) [Access date].
Example (No author)
Japan sends confursing signal of U. S. Chip dispute. (1996, June 3). News on world, Asia, and Japan business. Available: [1996, June 5].

Personal electronic communication (E-mail):
Basic form

Sender (Sender’s E-mail address). (Date). Subject of Message. E-mail recipient (Recipient’s E-mail address).
Omar, B. W. ( (1996, June 5). Excellent Web Sites
for Job Seekers. E-mail to M.E. Guffey

Articles in journals with continuous pagination:
Passons, W. (1996). Predictive validities of the ACT, SAT, and high
school grades for first semester GPA ad freshman courses. Educational
and Psychological Measurement
, 27, pp. 1143-1144.

Articles in journals with non-continuous pagination:
Because pagination begins anew with each issue of the journal, it is necessary to include the issue number in parenthesis after the volume number. Note that there is a comma between the issue number and the page numbers, but no comma between the underlined volume number and the issue number.
Sawyer, J. (1996). Measurement and prediction, clinical and statistical. Psychological Bulletin, 66 (3),pp.178-200.

Articles in monthly periodicals:
Chandler-Crisp, S. (1996, May). Aerobic writing: A writing practice model. Writing Lab Newsletter, pp. 9-11.

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Articles in weekly periodicals:
Kauffmann, S. (1996, October 18). On films: Class consciousness. The New Republic, p. 30.

Newspaper article:
Monson, M. (1996, September 16). Urban firm obstacle to office project. The Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, pp. 1,8.

Newspaper article (no author):
President Clinton puts ‘human face’ on health-care plan. (1997, September 16). The New York Times, p. 1.

Photosynthesis and plants. (1997). Encyclopedia Americana (Volume 22). New York: Americana Corporation.

Films or videotapes:
Mass, J.B. (Producer) & Bartlett, L.A. (Director). (1996). Deeper into hypnosis (Film). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Archer, N. (1998). [Interview with Helen Burns, author of Sense
and Perception]. Journal of Sensory Studies, 21, pp. 211-216.

Magazine articles:
Posner, M. I. (1995, October 29). Seeing the mind. Science, 262, 673-674.

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