Student Area - Rules - Research Involving Humans

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[Student Area|Teacher Area|Judge Area] Rules and Regulations
Animal Experimentation
Required Scientific Papers
Required Papers Guide
Research Involving Humans
Reference List Format

Research Summary Format

Research Involving Humans
ALL endorsements are  DUE NOVEMBER 13, 2023
Rules and regulations governing research that involves humans exist to ensure the rights and welfare of the individuals who participate as research subjects. If the project involves human participants taking a pencil and paper survey then no consent form is neeeded. If any human research procedure involves discomforts or risks (physical, psychological, social, and legal) to the participants, the student researcher must obtain the written consent of the person(s) involved or the permission of their legal guardian(s) if the subject is under 18 years of age. No experimentation can be performed on human beings unless they give informed consent. This means that they have been informed of the procedures to be carried out to obtain data and that they have agreed to the conditions of the experimentation. A sample form for informed consent is found here. The ISEF requires that each high school must appoint an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review and approve any proposed research involving human subjects. The following forms need to be requested and completed: Checklist for Adult Sponsor, Research Plan (1A), Approval Form (1B), Registered Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C), Human Subjects Form (4A), and Informed Consent Form (4B). If risks are determined to be present by the IRB, the following additional forms are required: Qualified Scientist Form (2), Designated Supervisor Form (3), and on Informed Consent Form (4B) for each subject.

Remember, it is illegal to publish information in a report that identifies the subjects(s) directly or through identifiers linked to the subject(s) unless prior permission has been obtained.

The only human blood that may be used is that which is purchased or obtained from a blood bank, hospital, or laboratory. No blood may be drawn by any person or from any person specifically for a STEM Exhibition project. Human projects that involve exercise and its effect on pulse, respiration rate, blood pressure, and so on are approved if a valid, normal, physical examination report is on file at the school of the participants being studied and if that exercise is not carried to the extreme.

Projects that involve taste, color, texture, or any other choice will be allowed but are limited to preference only. No project may use drugs, food, or beverages to measure their effects on a person.

Exceptions to Non-Human Vertebrate and Human Vertebrate Rules
Exceptions to the rules governing the use of non-human and human vertebrates will not be granted except in the extremely rare circumstances that a student receives a special grant to work with a university or research facility on an ongoing research project being conducted by the institution. Approval for this exception will be granted only if the following conditions are met.

These rules will be strictly enforced at the regional and state expositions.

The student must seek approval for the project before November 15 of the academic year that the he/she wishes to enter the regional or state exposition. Requests for approval will not be accepted after that date. The student must prepare a detailed paper describing the project.

The student must have a Request for Vertebrate Project Endorsement (human or non-human) by NOVEMBER 13, 2023 signed by the director of the research institution indicating that the project is an ongoing institution project and not a project designed just for the student.

The student must obtain the Vertebrate Animal Endorsement from the
Scientific Review Committee before beginning the experiment. The deadline for requesting this endorsement is
NOVEMBER 13, 2023.  For some types of research, Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) approval will be required. The Scientific Review Committee will make this determination before issuing the Vertebrate Animal Endorsement.

The Chicago Public Schools Student Science Fair, Inc. is a member of
IJAS and International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), and as such agrees to follow the rules of these organizations as well as formulating its own. High school students will need to request and complete the required ISEF forms to be considered for ISEF participation. Students should keep in mind that all these approvals take time and should allow for this waiting period.

Exhibition of an Animal Research Project
Research data can be well presented without the actual physical presence of caged animals. By use of pictures, slides, or videotapes, research results can be effectively presented with maximum impact. In many cases, judges prefer this extra effort on the part of the student researcher and consider the presence of the animals as “proving nothing.”

Exhibition of vertebrate animals will not be allowed.

The Vertebrate Animal Endorsement must be prominently displayed.
The qualified scientist must have the necessary degrees (Ph.D., D.V.M., or
M.D.) to be eligible to sign this certificate.

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