Categories, page 3

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Exhibits may be entered in one of the following categories and will be judged on the basis of two divisions: high school and elementary school.

Categories, continued
Materials Science ... is the study of materials, nonmetallic as well as metallic, and, how they can be adapted and fabricated to meet the needs of modern technology. Using the laboratory techniques and research tools of physics, chemistry, and metallurgy, science is finding new ways of using plastics, ceramics, and other nonmetals in applications formerly reserved for metals.
Math year
... is the science dealing with the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities as expressed in numbers or symbols whether in the abstract or in their practical connections. Some topics included under mathematics are arithmetic (use of numbers, symbols, and numerical systems); algebra (probability, theory of equations, progressions, permutations and combinations); geometry (topology, study of geometric figures, similar figures, and scale drawings); calculus; trigonometry, statistics and graphing.
Microbiology* ... is the branch of biology concerned with the study of microorganisms. Topics to be found in this category are the structure and physiology of bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, and protozoa, and studies involving cells or tissues in cultures.

World Year of Physics
. is the science that deals with the laws governing motion, matter, and energy under conditions susceptible to precise observation as distinct from chemistry or sciences dealing with living mailer. Topics found in the category of physics are hydrostatic force and pressure, gravity, Newton’s Laws, relativity, kinetic theory, motion forces, work, energy, sound, light, and magnetism.
Product/Consumer Science*
... is the study of comparisons and evaluations of manufactured or commercial products. Topics included in this category are taste tests, color preferences, quality control, and product efficiency.
Zoology* ... is the science that deals with animals with reference to their structure, functions, development, evolution, and classification. Some topics that fall within this category are structural and functional studies of vertebrates and invertebrates, physiology, reproduction, heredity, and embryology.

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* PROJECTS IN THESE CATEGORIES MAY NEED AN ENDORSEMENT(S).  See the appropriate sections of this site for clarification.

Endorsement requests MUST be made PRIOR to experimentation in order to ensure the safety of the test subject(s) and/or the scientist.  The project plans are reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee and, if safe, the endorsement is granted and the experiment may be carried out.  Permission to carry out an experiment CANNOT be given to one that has already been completed.

Endorsements must be signed and submitted by teacher sponsors ONLY.