Categories, page 2

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Exhibits may be entered in one of the following categories and will be judged on the basis of two divisions: high school and elementary school.

Categories, continued
Computer Science **
... includes the study and development of computer hardware, software engineering,
Internet networking and communications, graphics (including human interface), simulations/virtual reality or computational science (including data structures, encryption, coding, and information theory). Topics in this category may include writing an original program and comparing it to an existing one, developing a new language and comparing it to an existing one, etc.
Earth Science ... is the science concerned with the origin, structure, composition and other physical features of the earth. Some topics that fall within this division are geology (earth composition, rock formation, fossils, minerals, and fossil fuel); geography (landforms, soils, classification of streams, erosion, and sedimentation); oceanography (ocean waves, ocean currents, composition of ocean water and coastal zone management); seismology; geophysics; and meteorology.
Electronics ... is the branch of engineering and technology that deals with the manufacture of devices such as radios, television sets, and computers that contain electron tubes, transistors, chips, or related components. Topics in this category are circuits (electrical, electric digital and analog) for communication such as radio, radar, laser, transistor, television, and integrated circuits; electricity; electric motors; solar cells and amplifiers.
Engineering ... is concerned with the practical application of scientific knowledge in the design, construction, and operation of roads, bridges, harbors, buildings, and machinery, lighting, heating, and communication systems. Some topics in this category are stress testing of building materials, strength composition of building materials, collection of data from operating systems to compare and contrast their effectiveness.
Environmental Science ... is the study of the protection and care of natural resources. Topics included in this category are solar energy and its uses, water purification and usage, pollution control, soil chemistry, and insecticides. Within this area is ecology, which is the study of ecological systems, and ecological population studies.
Health Science* ... is that science concerned with the study of the human body and good health practices. Topics to be found under this category are proper diet, care of the teeth, care of the eyes, and hygiene.

* PROJECTS IN THESE CATEGORIES MAY NEED AN ENDORSEMENT(S).  See the appropriate sections of this site for clarification.

Endorsement requests MUST be made PRIOR to experimentation in order to ensure the safety of the test subject(s) and/or the scientist.  The project plans are reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee and, if safe, the endorsement is granted and the experiment may be carried out.  Permission to carry out an experiment CANNOT be given to one that has already been completed.

Endorsements must be signed and submitted by teacher sponsors ONLY.

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