Apply For or Renew Your Level II Approval
Mandated CPS Volunteer II Application for Judges all  Academic Competitions.
As of August 2018 Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have put in place the new Policy and Procedures for CPS volunteers.
All judges participating at the school, regional, city, state and international level where CPS students are involved must complete the Volunteer Level II application.  
  1. Choose "English" or "Spanish" 
  2. Choose "New Volunteer"
  3. Complete all questions
  4. For "School(s)/Organization(s)"  type in "Department of STEM", when the drop down entry shows "Department of STEM", press select.
  5. Volunteer Type, select Level II
  6. When asked "Are you volunteering to coach?" select NO
  7. When asked "Type of Volunteer?"  select "Corporate/Professional Volunteer"
  8. When asked "I am interested in volunteering in?" select "Competition Judge"
  9. When asked "Are you volunteering for a specific day/overnight trip or school club?"  select NO
  10. Finish completing the application and submit. You will be notified when you are approved.